A Assembleia da República moçambicana aprovou uma nova lei da eletricidade (Lei 12/2022), que entrará em vigor a partir de 10 de outubro.
O principal objectivo desta lei é adaptar a legislação existente (nomeadamente a Lei 21/97, que é revogada) à realidade moçambicana actual e, em particular, facilitar o desenvolvimento de projectos de energias renováveis e o mercado secundário.
Alguns dos principais aspectos da lei são:
- Dá ao Conselho de Ministros o poder de aprovar quaisquer projetos de eletricidade com 100 MW ou mais;
- Nomeia a ARENE (Autoridade Reguladora de Energia) para fiscalizar, regular e fiscalizar as atividades de energia elétrica;
- Cria uma nova entidade (“Gestor do Sistema Eléctrico Nacional”), que será responsável pela gestão de toda a rede elétrica nacional; os estatutos e competências específicas da nova entidade serão aprovados pelo Conselho de Ministros;
- Regula as condições, critérios e procedimentos para atribuição de novas concessões;
- Dispensa de concessão todos os empreendimentos privados que sejam apenas para consumo individual e não forneçam a terceiros;
- Define as condições e critérios de extinção das concessões, fixação de tarifas de consumo e preços de energia elétrica;
- Define as condições sob as quais a transferência de projetos existentes pode ocorrer.
Para mais informações sobre este diploma, por favor contacte-nos.
The recently published Law nº 30/22 0f August 29 regulates the extracontractual responsibility of the Angolan State and Public Companies, for damages resulting from the exercise of the public activities (legislative, jurisdictional and administrative).
The Law covers the individual responsibility of the holders of administrative bodies, public officers and administrative agents.
The most important provisions of the Law are the following:
- Anyone obliged to repair a damage, is obliged to reconstruct the situation that would exist if it hadn’t been verified the event which obliges the repair;
- The indemnification is fixed in money unless the natural reconstitution is possible;
- The indemnification must cover financial and non-financial damages, actual damages and loss of profit, as well as existing and future damages;
- The holders of posts in state organs, public officers or agents are jointly responsible for any damages occurred, in case of illicit acts or omissions practiced intentionally or with gross negligence;
- The State and public companies are jointly responsible with those referred to in d) above, in case such acts or omissions occurred during the exercise of their functions.
- The right to demand indemnification expires in accordance with article 498º of the Angolan Civil Code (in general terms, three years after the plaintiff took knowledge of its right).
The recently published Decree nº43/2022 approved and implemented several important changes to the mechanisms and proceedings related with the Employment of Foreign Citizens by local and foreign entities.
The goal of the Decree is to adapt the previous system (under the Decree 55/2008, now revoked) to the actual reality of the country.
In general terms, this diploma defines the employment regimens and, the correspondent formalities necessary for the approval and registration of such employment contracts.
For further information on this Diploma, please contact us.
MC&A e PMCM celebram protocolo para colaboração conjunta na assessoria jurídica de negócios
As sociedades de advogados portuguesas MC&A e PMCM celebraram um protocolo para colaboração conjunta na assessoria jurídica a particulares e empresas, com vasta clientela nacional e internacional, em várias áreas de prática e nos mais diversos setores de atividade. A colaboração entre as duas sociedades tem efeitos imediatos, e irá vigorar no apoio a clientes em contexto nacional e internacional.
A nova parceria irá combinar o conhecimento local em países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa da MC&A e a sua experiência no sector financeiro e de capitais, juntamente com o know-how da PMCM no acompanhamento de questões legais nas áreas de Direito Civil, Direito Comercial, Direito de Estrangeiros e da Nacionalidade, Direito Público, Direito Laboral, Penal, Contencioso Empresarial e no âmbito de apoio prestado em processos relacionados com estrangeiros e residentes não habituais e golden visa.
Através deste protocolo de colaboração, a MC&A e a PMCM pretendem assim oferecer serviços jurídicos contemporâneos e inovadores, capazes de apoiar os seus clientes na concretização dos seus negócios e na consolidação da sua presença nos mercados em que atuam. As duas sociedades irão trabalhar em conjunto com o objectivo de possibilitar uma maior rapidez e eficácia na assistência aos seus clientes, conjugada com a qualidade que caracteriza os seus serviços. Além da colaboração próxima entre os advogados de ambas as sociedades, haverá uma partilha de metodologias na abordagem a situações específicas e uma melhor oferta da tecnologia posta ao serviço do direito que muito beneficiará as respostas às necessidades dos clientes.
«Esta é uma excelente oportunidade para ambas as sociedades. Através desta colaboração, haverá a possibilidade de alargar a carteira de clientes e prestar assistência efectiva a negócios internacionais no âmbito de fusões e aquisições» refere, Vítor Marques da Cruz, sócio fundador da MC&A. «Esta aliança permitirá ainda aumentar o foco em áreas de elevada especificidade jurídica, partindo da troca de experiências e know-how entre os advogados das duas sociedades», conclui.
Por sua vez, João Luís Mota de Campos, sócio fundador da PMCM, destaca a mais-valia de «colocarmos à disposição dos nossos clientes uma vasta equipa multidisciplinar, empenhada em prestar um serviço de excelência e altamente especializado, suportado pela experiência e conhecimento efetivo do sistema jurídico, bem como dos contextos económico e social dos diversos mercados onde atuam».
Angola: New Economic Activity Delimitation Law
Published in
On the past day 18 October 2021, the new Economic Activity Delimitation Law no. 25/21 came into force in Angola, revoking the Law no. 5/02 of 16 April.
This new Law came along with the purpose to highlight the right of free enterprise and cooperative initiative recognized in the Constitution for all private entities, with the State playing the role of economy regulator and coordinator of harmonious national economic development, without prejudice to its action in areas of public reserves, absolute and relative.
This new Law only has 11 articles in contrast with the 18 articles of the old Law.
In the old Law there was an article about the private sector that mentioned free private initiative, however, in the new Law, article 4 points up the free private initiative, mentioning that the general regime for access to Economic Activity in the Republic of Angola is that of free private economic and entrepreneurial initiative, without prejudice, to the provisions of the absolute and relative reserves of the State.
It also mentions that the State shall protect, and respect private property and free economic and entrepreneurial initiative exercised under the terms of the Constitution and this Law.
The access to Economic Activity is permitted, both national citizens and foreign citizens, under equal equality of circumstances, under the terms of the Law.
Another change that is relevant it is article 7 of the new Law that widens the spectrum of activities that constitute the relative reserve of the State, taking into account that one of these activities were considered in the old Law as absolute reserve of the State.
Therefore, the activities that were added are:
• Exploration of environmental conservation areas;
• Exploration of tourism development poles; and
• Management and valorization of solid waste from public deposits;
The activity that was considered as absolute reserve of the State and now is considered a relative reserve is the production, distribution, and commercialization of war material. In this way, the Law no. 25/21 came to update this regime.
Article by Duarte Marques da Cruz
Duarte Marques da Cruz is partner of the Portuguese law firm MC&A, specialised in international business advisory, with a special focus in Lusophone markets. With extensive experience in the Energy sector (Renewables and Oil & Gas) and in International Taxation, he has supported international companies in major upstream, midstream transactions and projects, including in implementing, exploration and development programs. Duarte has also supported international clients in other areas of practice, namely, Mining, Transport & Logistics, Regulatory Compliance and Mergers & Acquisitions in Mozambique, Angola and Portugal.
Through this Simplification Project, Angola shows to investors and economic players that intends to maintain its bet on the internal and external investment; on other hand, it is important to note that this simplification procedure is only at its beginning and is expected a wider range of facilitation in multiple public administration proceedings and regarding more sectors of the economy.
Mozambique announces 6th licensing round for 16 oil & gas offshore areas
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The Minister of Natural Resources, Max Tonela, announced on 27 October 2021 that the government of Mozambique may launch the 6th licensing round of sixteen (16) oil & gas offshore areas before the end of 2021.
Sixteen (16) licensing areas have been identified – five (5) in Rovuma Basin, seven (7) in Angoche, two (2) in Zambezi Delta and the last two (2) in the Save delta.
The plan is to launch the licensing round before the end of 2021 and finalize the selection and awarding processes by the first quarter of 2022.
Article by Duarte Marques da Cruz
Duarte Marques da Cruz is partner of the Portuguese law firm MC&A, specialised in international business advisory, with a special focus in Lusophone markets. With extensive experience in the Energy sector (Renewables and Oil & Gas) and in International Taxation, he has supported international companies in major upstream, midstream transactions and projects, including in implementing, exploration and development programs. Duarte has also supported international clients in other areas of practice, namely, Mining, Transport & Logistics, Regulatory Compliance and Mergers & Acquisitions in Mozambique, Angola and Portugal.
Through this Simplification Project, Angola shows to investors and economic players that intends to maintain its bet on the internal and external investment; on other hand, it is important to note that this simplification procedure is only at its beginning and is expected a wider range of facilitation in multiple public administration proceedings and regarding more sectors of the economy.