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MC&A Advogados released today their latest version of their Mozambican doing business guide – an overview of the many aspects of investing in the country.

The guide aims to provide a brief and useful description of the Mozambican legal system, helpful for investors and companies interested in doing or maintaining
business in the country at a time when Mozambique is regaining momentum.

After a challenging couple of years economically and socially, the country is poised to return to its path of growth as industry insiders are already moving towards both the resumption of previous existing projects and the planning of new initiatives.

The recent military intervention by Rwandan troops in the north of the country is proving to be successful in countering insurgents, quickly paving the way to gas megaprojects to resume. Legal procedures and inquiries from the Mozambican government in the investigation of the hidden debts, broadcast on open tv daily are also beginning to build a sense of much-needed transparency and governance in the country.

Despite the FID hiatus of the last couple of years, the opportunities remain in several areas and the country is expected to quickly regain its position of “investment-darling” of foreign investors looking into the region.

You can download the MC&A Mozambique Doing Business Guide at this link.

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