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Further to Angola’s new project for the simplification of the Public Administration proceedings implemented on 21 June, the following documents are no longer required for passport applications and tourist visa applications:
For Ordinary Passport:
Declaration of service or declaration of school;
Declaration proving the regularization of the family situation;
Term of responsibility for application for passport of minors;
Photocopies of the passport in case of renewal;
Police statement proving the loss of the passport.
For Passport Service:
Photocopies of the passport in case of renewal;
Statement proving the loss of the passport.
For Tourism Visa:
Proof of the ticket to Angola;
Letter of call or term of responsibility of a natural person or legal person;
Visa application form;
Term of responsibility for application for tourist visa for minors.
The Angolan Government is committed to simply several bureaucracies and new measures are expected to come into force.